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Persian Palace Restaurant - Halal Iranian Food

Unique interior design and delicious Indian food

Moon, LeePublished on Sun Apr 09 2023
Let's go to India on Daehagro!

The interior was very spacious and colorful as if it were really in the Perisian Palace.

The signature menu is a whole chicken curry set menu, and you can choose from a spicy taste that is not spicy at all to a spicy taste that is three times as spicy as stir-fried fish. Hummus and Iranian soup, which you can choose as appetizers, are also unique.

There are intercoms installed on each table and kiosks in the store, so you can order them in a convenient way.

If you eat various kinds of Indian curry, kebabs, and naan, and finish it with Jaffran ice cream, you can finish the meal as if you were in India.

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