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서비스 이용약관
  1. Article 1 (Purpose)

    This agreement has a purpose of regulating the use condition and procedure of "Yes! Oppa" service and related all other services(referred to as “Service” hereinafter) provided by the Bytesmix, Co, Ltd(referred to as “Company” hereinafter), rights and duties among the members and the company and all the other articles

  2. Article 2 (Elucidation, explanation and revision of the agreement)
    1. ① The content of this agreement comes into effect when the mobile and website related to the member subscription of the company has been displayed or announced to the user in other ways and when the user subscribes as a member and agrees on this agreement
    2. ② The Company can revise this agreement in the scope of not violating the Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act and the the law regarding the promotion of information and communication network use and protection of information and the related laws
    3. ③ When the Company revises this agreement, the Company should specify the applied date and the reason of the revision and announce it starting from 7 days before the applied date as the initial screen, popup screen or as an announcement in the Company’s website along with the current agreement. However, if such revision is disadvantageous or if there are any heavy change in the content, the Company should notify it 30 days in advance of the applied date
    4. ④ Even though it is regarded that the members have presented the agreement if the Company has not expressed any intention within 7 days to the members when the Company announces the revision agreement in accordance with the previous clause, if the member has not expressed any refusal intention explicitly, the member is regarded to have agreed upon the revised agreement
    5. ⑤ If the member has expressed the explicit intention that he does not agree with the application of the revised agreement, the Company can not apply the content of the revision and in this case, the member can cancel the use agreement. However, if there are any special circumstances where the conventional agreement can not be applied, the company can cancel the use agreement
  3. Article 3 (Rules besides the agreement)

    The Company can set any separate announcement, individual agreement, individual agreement, use guide, operation policy and detailed guidelines etc about the service (referred to as “detailed guidelines” hereinafter) and notify them to the members and gain agreement and if the content for which approval has been received from the member among the detailed guidelines conflicts with this agreement, the detailed guideline is applied preferentially. Regarding the articles and interpretations not regulated in this agreement, the specific guideline, related law and the commercial law shall be applied

  4. Article 4 Application and approval of the use of the service (member subscription and withdrawal)
    1. ① The user applies for the member subscription by subscribing the member information according to the subscription form set by the company and giving the intention of agreeing upon this agreement
    2. ② The member subscription shall go in effect at the point when the approval of the company arrives at the member
    3. ③ The use agreement shall be concluded in the member ID unit. When the use agreement has been established, the use applicant will be registered as the member
    4. ④ Such member who has misused other person’s information including his or her name and telephone number or is not using the real name and subscribes falsely can not be protected legally and all the legal, civil and criminal responsibility due to such fraud shall be upon the member totally
    5. ⑤ The Company can request for the real name verification and member certification to the professional institution according to the types of the user by way of the related laws when the Company needs such request during the application of the use of the service. The company shall not take responsibility for any disadvantages occurring since the user refuses the provision of information to the Company and thus the user verification has not been able to be made
  5. Article 5 (Application of use and establishment of the use agreement)
    1. ① The user applied for the member subscription by presenting the intention that he or she agrees on this agreement after subscribing the member information required in the subscription form prescribed by the Company
    2. ② The member subscription shall become in effect at the point when the approval of the company has arrived at the member
    3. ③ The use agreement shall be concluded in the member ID unit. Once the use agreement has been established, the use applicant is registered as a member
    4. ④ Such member who has misused other person’s information including his or her name and telephone number or is not using the real name and subscribes falsely can not be protected legally and all the legal, civil and criminal responsibility due to such fraud shall be upon the member totally
    5. ⑤ If the user is a citizen, immigrant or a resident in the country or region regulated as blacklist country of fund laundry prevention at the FATF(Financial Action Task Force), the service use can be limited and the member shall guarantee each of the following phrases
      1. 1. Should not be a person, citizen, immigrant or resident of a blacklist country
      2. 2. Shall not use the service during the stay in a blacklist country
    6. ⑥ The Company regards all the member information written in the on-line subscription form regarding the application in accordance with the clause 1 as the real data and the user who has not input the real name or real information can not be protected legally and can be restricted to the use of the service. When needed, the Company can request for a real name verification and member certification to a professional institution according to the type of the user by way of the related laws. If any damages occur due to that the user refuses this request of provision of information from the Company, the Company is not held responsible
  6. Article 6 (Use application)
    1. ① For the use application, the user should record the matters required by the company’s subscribed subscription application form to apply
    2. ② All the member information written in the subscription application form on-line shall be regarded as the real data and the user who has not entered the real name or the real information can not be protected legally and shall be restricted to the use of the service
    3. ③ If it has been revealed that the subscription has been made using information different from the fact or using any false information, the Company can suspend the use of the service temporarily or suspend the service permanently and cancel the use agreement. All the damages occurring due to a third person or the company, the corresponding member do not take any responsibility
  7. Article 7 (Consent about the use of the member information and approval of the use application)
    1. ① Agreement about use of the member information
      1. 1. The Company shall use the member’s personal information for the purpose of enforcement of this use agreement and the service provision mentioned in this use agreement
      2. 2. For the member to use the serviced allied with the company and the company to use the services conveniently, the member information can be supplied to the company and the tied-up corporations. However, the Company should announce in advance the tied-up companies, purpose of provision and the content of information of the member to be provided prior to the provision of the member information and obtain the approval of the member
      3. 3. The member can read and correct his or her personal information at any time through the member information correction
      4. 4. When the member subscribes the member information in the use application form and applies for the use to the company in accordance with this agreement, it is regarded that the user has agreed that the Company shall collect, use and provide the member information subscribed in the use agreement in accordance with this agreement
    2. ② Approval of the use application
      1. 1. The Company can approve the member subscription if the member has written correctly all the matters required in the Company’s prescribed subscription application form. However, in case of the number 2 and 3, the Company can retain approval or refuse the approval
      2. 2. The Company can hold the approval about the use application corresponding to each of the following phrases
        1. A. When there is no extra facilities
        2. B. When there is technical obstruction
        3. C. Other cases that the approval of the use can not be made due to the Company’s circumstances
      3. 3. The Company is entitled not to approve the use application about the us applications corresponding to any of the followings
        1. A. If the name is not the real name
        2. B. When the user has subscribed using another person’s name
        3. C. When the user has applied by writing the false necessary content when applying for the use
        4. D. When the application has been made for the purpose of the degradation of the farewell and the customs of the society
        5. E. When there is any lacking part in terms of the Company’s prescribed use applicati9on condition
  8. Article 8 (Suspension and canceling of the use agreement)
    1. ① The use agreement is canceled by way of the canceling by the member or the company
      1. 1. The Company can cancel the use agreement or limit the use of the service after announcing by setting an enough period if any of the following applies to the member
        • A. When the member has misused other people’s service ID or password
        • B. When the member has obstructed intentionally the operation of the service
        • C. If the name of the subscriber is not the real name
        • D. When the user has used the service with the purpose of degrading the social benefits
        • E. When the user has damaged the dignity of other people or gave disadvantages
        • F. When the user has transmitted an abundant information or transmitted the marketable information with the purpose of obstructing the stable operation of the service
        • G. When the user has distributed the computer virus program which invokes the destruction of the information or the wrong operation of the information telecommunication facilities
        • H. When the user has used other person’s personal information, user ID or password
        • I. When the user has copied, distributed or used commercially without prior content of the company the information obtained using the Company’s service information
        • J. When the same user used other ID and logged in dually
        • K. When the user has received the authoritative interpretation from the Election Management Committee regarding the illegal election campaign or if there are any correction requests from an external institution such as the Korea Communication Standards Commission etc
        • L. When the company has collected, stored or disclosed the personal information about the user
        • M. When it is judged that the use of the member’s service is connected to any crime
        • N. When the acts of the member violates other related laws
    2. ② Service use suspension and limitation procedure
      1. 1. When the Company wishes to restrict the use, the Company should set the reason, date and time and the period and notify the corresponding member or its agency in ways such as in writing(e-mail included) or telephone or a message in the home page
      2. 2. However, when it is acknowledged that the Company should suspend the use of the information urgently, the Company can restrict the use of the service without the procedure of the previous clause
      3. 3. The member or the agency who has been notified about the suspension of the use of the service, such member or agency can apply for an objection when it has one
      4. 4. When the company has found out that the reason of the suspension of the use has been solved during the use suspension period, the Company shall release such use suspension measure
    3. ③ Canceling of the use agreement
      1. 1. If the same act goes on more than twice or the reason has not been corrected within 30 days after the Company has suspended the use of the service or has limited the use, the Company can cancel the use agreement
      2. 2. When the company cancels the use agreement, the member registration is annulled. In this case, the Company shall notify the member and provide the opportunity for the user to explain before the annulment of the member registration
  9. Article 9 (Change of the member information)
    1. ① The member can read and correct his own personal information at any time in the correction screen of the personal information. However, the user may not change the name and date of birth, gender and ID etc which are needed for the maintenance of the service
    2. ② When the written content changes when the member subscribes, the member should correct on-line and notify the company through e-mail or in another way
    3. ③ The Company does not take responsibility about the disadvantages occurred since the user did not notify the company the changed content in clause 2 above
  10. Article 10 (Responsibility of the member about the management of the member ID and password)
    1. ① All the management responsibility about the ID and the Password is upon the member. Regarding all the results occurring due to the neglect of the management or illegal use of the ID and password conferred to the member, the member should take responsibility and the Company does not take any responsibility for it. However, If it has occurred due to any intentional act or fault of the company, the member does not take responsibility
    2. ② When the user got to know that his own ID has been used illegally, the user should notify that fact to the company and follow the guidance of the company
    3. ③ If the user did not notify the company such fact in case of the clause 2 or if the user has not followed the Company’s guidance although he has notified the company, the company does not take responsibility for any disadvantages occurred
  11. Article 11 (Provision of information)

    The Company can provide the information about the product and use guidance for the use convenience about the following service using methods such as wired or wireless phone, electronic mail, LMS or SMS or the SNS etc. In this case, the member can refuse at any time

    1. ① Service such as event and even-related
    2. ② Other services provided to the member after the company decides
    3. ③ Home-page related service
  12. Article 12 (Announcement and change of the content of the service)
    1. ① The Company shall notify the matters about the characteristics, procedure and method of each service according to the types of the service through the service screen and the member should understand the matters related to each service announced and use the service
    2. ② The Company can change part or whole of each individual service provided according to the technical needs or operational needs due to a certain cause. In this case, the Company should notify it the corresponding content in at least 7 day advance. The member does not take responsibility about the damage occurred since the member did not look at the content of the announcement
  13. Article 13 (Maintenance and suspension of the service)
    1. ① The use of the service shall be provided 24 hours a day 365 days a year unless there are any special technical or task-related impendence in the company. However, such days that are set in advance by the company due to needs such as regular check-up etc, such days can be excepted
    2. ② The Company can divide the service into a certain scheduled scope and set the usable time for each scope. In this care, the Company should notify such content in advance
    3. ③ The Company can suspend the provision of service if any of the following clauses apply. In this care, the Company should notify in advance the suspension of provision of service unless it is an inevitable case
      • 1. When it is unavoidable due to constructions etc such as the repair of the service equipment
      • 2. When the period telecommunication business person prescribed by the Electricity telecommunication business law has suspended the electronic telecommunication service
      • 3. In case of the services that are provided using a third party such as the affiliated company not the service provided directly by the Company, and if the third party such as the affiliate company has suspended the service
      • 4. Other force majeure etc has occurred
    4. ④ The Company can suspend part or whole of the service or limit it when there are any obstructions in the use of the normal service due to the jam of the use of the service or any obstruction of the service equipment, power failure or any national emergency state
  14. Article 14 (Responsibility of the illegal use of service)

    The responsibility occurred due to any illegal use of the service goes wholly onto the member. Such illegal uses may include the followings

    1. ① When the member has leased such access media to a third person or has entrusted the use to another person or has transferred the use or provided such use as a security
    2. ② When the member has used the service illegally often intentionally or through a heavy fault
    3. ③ When the member has not notified when the Company has not cooperated for any investigations for the damage investigation due to any illegal use of the service or has obstructed such investigation
    4. ④ When the member did not notify the company the fact that any third party accessed the access media with no right
  15. Article 15 (Protection of personal information)

    The Company is making efforts in order to protect the personal information of the member in accordance with what the related law regulates. The personal information of the member can only be used within the scope and purpose that have been agreed upon by the member for the smooth provision of the service. The Company can not provide the personal information of a member to any third party unless the member has agreed separately and the detailed content about this is specified in the personal information process policy

  16. Article 16 (Immunity and compensation of the company)
    1. ① The Company does not provide any guarantee for any matters that have not been specified in the agreement in relation to the service
    2. ② When the company is exempted from responsibilities when it can not provide the service due to reasons such as natural disaster, DDos attach, IDC breakdown, stop of the server operation due to rapid rise of the service connections, network disorder among the institution telecommunication business people or any other type of force majeure. However, this does not apply if such inability has occurred due to any intention or fault of the company
    3. ③ When any disorder occurred inevitably due to problems of the block chain, technical problems, or any faults of the telecommunication service company or regular server checkup, the Company does not take any responsibility for it. However, this does not apply if that has happed due to any faults or intentional act of the Company
    4. ④ The Company does not take any responsibilities for any disorder of the service use due to a cause attributable to a member or the result of it. Also, this does not apply when such case has occurred due to any fault or intentional act of the Company
    5. ⑤ The Company does not take any responsibility unless there is no fault or intentional act of the Company or there is no special regulations in accordance to the related law regarding the use of the service provided by the Company for free
  17. Article 17

    Filtering for inappropriate content ( no tolerance for objectionable )

    1. ① If it is judged to be inappropriate content, it is not deleted first and is hidden
    2. ② The reason for hiding the content is notified to the user who uploaded the content within 24 hours after the hiding process
    3. ③ Content that clearly contains obscene, profanity, or slander is deleted without consent
  18. Article 18

    Definition and filtering of inappropriate content ( no tolerance for objectionable )

    1. ① In the case of receiving more than 10 times due to reports of members' comments and email
    2. ② If it is judged to be inappropriate by its own filtering system
    3. ③ When content containing pornography or profanity is posted
  19. Article 19

    How and criteria to block users

    1. ① In the case of posting more than 3 times an article that creates discomfort to others, such as pornography, abusive language, or slander against others
    2. ② When creating multiple accounts and artificially manipulating user indicators such as likes
    3. ③ In case of stopping the service through multiple/massive requests of DDOS for the purpose of infringing the service
  20. Article 20

    Service response to inappropriate content

    1. ① If we find inappropriate services, we will delete the content immediately
    2. ② Notifies the user who uploaded the content that the content has been deleted via email and in-app notification
    3. ③ Contents expressing our standards (obscene material, abusive language, slander), etc. will be permanently deleted
  21. Article 21 (Jurisdictional court and the governing law)
    1. ① This service use agreement is interpreted and ruled by the law of Republic of Korea and in relation with the tariff system of the Company, if any conflict occurs between the Company and the members, and any lawsuit occurs, the law of the Republic of Korea shall apply
    2. ② In case of the lawsuit occurred between the Company and the members regarding the use of the service, the jurisdictional court selected according to the procedure set by the law